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Daniel Milad     |    Brayden Doig     |     Alex Flamsteed      |     Julian Palma     |     Morgan Brown      |      Joshua Rivory     |     Kimberley Hanson     |      Zac Chambers     |     Kat Augustakis    |     Toukie Wood




From their earliest beginnings back in 2009, the past has seen Boss Moxi thrash their notorious live performance toward crowds in the grimiest of Brisbane alleyways and warehouses, as well as some of the most respected venues, events and festivals in Queensland and Australia. The once distinctly garage-rock band made foundations in its early sounds after the recording of the EP, Your Mouth at Bedlam Records back in 2011. The momentum of the EPs release had the band ride a new direction over the next two years of writing and performing live. In 2012, Caught Up In Neverland, recorded in an old Queenslander bedroom became the single that spoke for it all. The music is rock, written mainly as jazzy ballads or odd-pop songs. The saxophone has always been a part of the show and introduced brass as a fundamental part of the band's sound rather early on.



Boss Moxi Rehearsals 2009

Doig in the years between bands.

The band - recently reformed in 2016


In the late part of 2014, the band took to the stage wearing all black under the sweat-den roof of The Zoo for one last performance to their well-earned hometown crowd. Earlier that morning, the band’s debut album ‘Oddball’ had been released to Australia, and that night would be the last time the original members Brayden Doig, Daniel Milad, Sophie Quinn, Daniel Grima and Ollie Cook would share the stage together. 


Over the year that followed, frontman and visionary behind the band, Brayden Doig, the bassist and brains, Daniel Milad and trumpet and guitar player, Daniel Grima worked to tour the album in homage to its efforts. The three of them came together to release ‘Oddball’ to the rest of the world. Months of positive response came from the U.S. album release, so much so that it felt like the band had seized early on some promising international notoriety. However without the few core members, the band naturally lost momentum and the public presence gracefully fell into silence ...

The reformed Boss Moxi Live @ The Triffid in 2019

2017 - 2019

As December of 2016 approached, like a concrete jungle intersection, a whole bunch of actions, people and intentions collided together and provided the idea that Boss Moxi was far from over. A short but necessary trip to India, new musical relationships and a short course in music alchemy had original members Milad, Grima, Doig and now, Alex agreeing on a second breath from their otherwise, previously neglected dream. 


Alex Flamsteed met Doig back in the late years of the band (2012). He played drums in a touring punk act of his own called Guttermouth, where he had been dealt a different set of circumstances that had him playing the most unimaginable shows all across the world at the early age of 17. It wasn’t until almost 7 years later that his endeavours in the US had him seeking understanding back in Australia in 2016, which coincidently lead to the birth of the truly exciting musical friendship between Alex and the band.


Particularly inspired by the wonders of India, Doig took to an acoustic guitar and notepad after what was now almost 3 years since Boss Moxi songs had been written. In a mere 4 weeks, 50 minutes of non-stop music, an entire piece, a composition was ready to be recorded. It was a month of the most intensive but natural music writing Doig, Grima, Milad or Alex had ever experienced. 


‘Oddball’ proved that the band could sonically replicate their live energy into recordings and that fact alone was a solid milestone for the band. With the album taking two and half years to produce, it deservingly became the drive and motivation behind the next album’s productivity.


Boss Moxi is officially releasing another album, E G O T O X I N. The project features numerous new sections and instruments, lining up some of the most talented people from their hometown. Their live show will be a proper spectacle; a show that ignites all of the senses via lights, music, film and theatre!



Boss Moxi @ The Triffid_katexjean_PANO_S
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